make up的用法的相关图片

make up的用法

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make up的用法。

make up 英 [meik ʌp] 美 [mek ʌp]【词典】组成;化妆;补足;编造 例句:I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him 我认为你编造他...


1、编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas.Not having a good excuse, Sally ma...

make up用法,常用的

This length of cloth should make up into two pairs of trousers.这段布料可做两条裤子.This material will make up into three dresses.这块料子可以裁制三件衣...

谁知道make up 的用法?

1弥补,补偿;赔偿;补足;补<考> 例Make up deficiency bythe surplus截长补短/We must make it up to him somehow.我们得想个办法赔偿他/Make up missed ...

make up什么意思中文, make up的意思和用法!

例句:Farm workers make up only a small section of the population.翻译:农民只占人口的一小部分。短语:1、mak...

make up什么意思

make up的意思是:和解;组成;构成;编造,虚构(故事、借口等);给…化妆;为…打扮;凑足,补齐(数量);(加班...

be made up of 和make up有什么区别 made up of用法:make作“作出某种动作”解时,常与某些名词连用,其意思常常近似于与该名词相对应的动词,用...

英语词汇问题:make up和dress up有区别吗?

不同点:make up是化妆,通常是指在脸部化妆;dress up是指穿衣打扮。二:用法区分 make up 后面可以直接跟宾语,make up 可以表示“补足(某数量)”;make up fo...

make up的意思和用法。以及词性

make up 1.补足 We need $50 to make up the sum required.我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目。2.编造 The whole story is made up.整个故事完全是虚构出来的。3...

make up take up put up lit up的意思和用法例句,谢

1.补足 We need $50 to make up the sum required. 我们需要五十元以补足所需要的数目。2.编造 The whole story is made up. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的。3.组成 Th...

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