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make up his mind翻译

下面围绕“make up his mind翻译”主题解决网友的困惑


make up one's mind v. 下决心,决定 下定决心做某事 短语 He made up his mind 他下定决心 made up his mind to 下定决心 例句:1. He made up his mind not t...

make up his mind是什么意思

make up his mind 下定决心 例句:He can never make up his mind, he's always chopping and changing.他从来不能下定决心,总在变来变去。When did the presiden...

英语made up their minds怎么翻译?

made up their minds 下定决心 重点词汇释义 made …制造的;制作…的;制造;做;组装;写;出产;制订;铺床;make的过去分词和过去式;…制的;拼成的;虚构的;体格…的 min...

make up his mind to do


make up her mind是什么意思

make up her mind是她下决心(打定主意)的意思。make up her mind 她下决心(打定主意)例句 1.She have make up her mind to defer her departure for two day.她决...

The man who has made up his mide to win will nev

一个人一旦下定决心去赢,那么没有什么是不可能的!另外mide肯定拼错了,是mind!make up one's mind是固定搭配 细心才能成功!

make up ones mind是什么意思

make up ones mind 英文发音:[meɪk ʌp wʌnz maɪnd]中文释义:下决心;下定决心 例句:No matte...

请问一下make up sb's mind是什么意思?

make up sb's mind是“下定决心、拿定主意”的意思,与“踌躇、动摇、困惑”等相反的意思。

make up one's mind是什么意思?

make up one's mind 的用法:直接使用在句子中,somebody makes up his/her mind to do something,意思是某人下定决心去做什么事情,make up one's mind 的意思是...

decide 和make up one's mind有什么区别

decide,make up one’s mind的区别:①decide 指“经过询问、研讨和考虑之后, 在几种可能的选择之中作出决定”,后跟宾语从句时,有时是“断定”之意。②make up...

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